Psaroskala self-publishing

psaroskala expo

The very first public space event about self-publishing and the surrounding area of the fish market (aka psaroskala) and the harbour, May 2018

The exhibition includes fanzines, magazines (our collection and from friends, AMOQA 's museum archives).
Video projection - Selection of port documentaries played in a collage mode.

A video from the Dutch/Philipines artist Marietta Atienza
Introduction about the Greek history of fanzines by Antonis Vathis.
Curation, Installation and display construction by Psaroskala.

The event is supported by X-Y Actiefonds.

A projection of videos about the port along with an exhibition of independent publications such as art books, activists magazines and fanzines takes place near the fish auction of Keratsini.

Next to the local cantina 'Paraga' and between the lorries, we temporarily install a projection and an exhibition.

We wish to bring some cultural refreshment in the area, inspired by the port’s spring breeze.